Sunday, May 20, 2007

Good Samaritan

The other day a lady walked into the CU and exclaimed, "You're Teriana!" And I, of course, said no in case she was w/ the government and they'd found the bodies. She then said she had something for me and held up my wallet. Apparently it had fallen out of my coat pocket when I was sitting in the vestibule of the Spam Can (the bldg I work in) waiting for another coworker to arrive. I didn't even know it was missing.

That was the second time a Good Samaritan had found my wallet and returned it fully intact. The time before that it had fallen out of my coat pocket in the parking lot at Fred Meyer. A nice couple found it and saw me loading my groceries in my SUV (pronounced suhv) and returned it. Next time I might not be so lucky. A member came into the CU and told me her purse had been ripped from her hands right in the front of the capitol building. Maybe I should put a chain on my wallet. But then I'd have to grow a mullet and start listening to K.D. Lang.


Frank said...

The chain yes, No mullets or KD Lang allowed. PLEASE! :)

Jessica said...

Did she pronounce your name correctly?

Teriana said...
