Sunday, October 28, 2007

Special Holloween Post

Your Monster Profile

War Slimer

You Feast On: Grass

You Lurk Around In: Wal-mart

You Especially Like to Torment: Your Exes

Your Halloween Costume Should Be

Candy Corn

Your Unique Halloween Costume is a Birthday Stripper

Shocking? Maybe...

Your Vampire Name Is...

Lenore of Scandinavia


They call you sticky fingers for a reason!

You Are

A Distressed Pumpkin Face

You would make a good pumpkin pickle.

You Are Apple Cider

Smooth and comforting. But downright nasty when cold.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


So I was invited to a party yesterday. The hostess said show up around 9ish. I got there a little after nine and we were the only ones there. But I still wrote my name on my beer to make sure it didn't get confused with any of the other drinks. It was at least 45 minutes before the other hostess even showed up. Finally at 10 another person came. They were all calling people begging them to come 'cause it's not really a party with only 4 people. It's more like a really sad book club or something. Eventually around 11 or so more people came. We played a couple silly drinking games. There was a photo taken of me popping the ID back into the pants pocket of some girl after it came out. At the end of the night we ate at Pelminis, which serves pelminis (Russian dumplings). They were just a little meatball wrapped in dough, boiled, then sprinkled with McCormic's seasoned salt that they charge $5 for.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Funniest 'Whose Line' Clip of All Time

This has nothing to do with me or Alaska, but I just had to blog it. I was hard at work at the gun store when I found this clip.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Anti-Climactic Future

Your Anti Climactic Fortune

Deep into your future, I forsee: Human stupidity


Thanks to a few extra deposits to my Trans Am savings account and my mutual funds doing so well, I reached my goal a lot sooner than I expected. So much sooner, in fact, that I decided to increase my goal to $14,000 so I can spring for one with lower miles. Awesome, huh?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Moose Trip

Here's the photos from my moose trip. A few photos I'd like to point out are in album 2. They actually bothered to put a stop sign up at the intersection of 2 unmarked roads that lead to popular hunting trails.

The second one is the photo of the prized grouse my dad shot strapped to the roof of our Explorer.

Moose Trip

Moose Trip 2

Monday, October 1, 2007


My Trans-Am-O-Meter has hit $10,000! Only $2,000 more to go.