Friday, July 6, 2007


Here's the rest of my photos from atop Mount Roberts. Sorry for you stone age dial up users. I'll mail you the pics. It'll be faster.


Frank said...

Great pics. I notice the bear has a breathe rite strip on his nose. He must snore alot. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice pictures..I noticed that in your "shameless plug" section you have a list of your auctions. you sell guns?

gosh, I have never even held a gun in my hand in my life..I know you said you worked in a gun store...interesting.

I am just a naive city girl! is there such a thing?


Teriana said...

I don't have any guns listed on there. But I have knives, holsters, scopes, tactical gear, leather clothing and other fun stuff.

Sherri Sanders said...

LOL! Breathe rite strip! I had to go back and take a second look.