Sunday, July 29, 2007

Garage Sale

There was a big garage sale this weekend next door to the gun store. It was all the stuff this local guy who shot himself had accumulated in preparation for the end of the world. Sad story really. He was dead a week before they checked on him when his mail began to pile up. He had 4 storage spaces filled with tools, clothes, hunting and fishing stuff, pots and pans, surplus military stuff, name it. My boss got two truck loads of stuff and he got there at the end of the first day. I got a couple scuba diving masks, some flippers plus a big bag to hold it all, some misc fishing stuff and a little GI belt all for $15. Now all I need is a wet suit and an air tank. And to get certified for scuba diving, I guess.


Frank said...

wow, I could probably have spent months looking thru that kind of stuff.

Jessica said...

Did you buy me anything?

Sherri Sanders said...

The guy sounded like a hermit....

I would be afraid to buy anything, what if his unearthly wandering spirit was attached to one of the items for sentimental value.

Teriana said...

Nothing for you, Jessica. I guess he didn't see 25 copies of Pride & Prejudice as neccessary for survival.

Gee thanks, Sherri. I never thought of that.

Sherri Sanders said...

glad I could be of service! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Good post.