Saturday, April 28, 2007

Coffee anyone?

Went out to the Viking again. I only planned to have a couple wine coolers, but there was a lady there who kept buyin' the group I was w/ drinks. She ended up spending dang near $300 before the night was through. I had a couple more wine coolers and Smurf Piss shooters. Also this little bitty guy who I opened an account for at the credit union, and who also happened to be my boss's nephew, bought me a shot of Jack and a Mike's Hard Lemonade.

Even w/ all that there were still people there drunker than me and conscious. This one guy introduced me to his ex wife and her sister. I was chatting w/ the sister when the ex wife came up and started running her hands up and down my hair. She was saying, "Have you felt her hair yet?" Like it was such a commonplace event to touch someone's hair that you've only know for seven and a half seconds. It was all too much for me. When I went home and laid down to go to sleep I puked in my little 4 cup coffee maker. Filled it to the brim.


Jessica said...

Oooooh, the boss's nephew. Careful. Frank might come up there and beat his ass.

I hope you feel better today.

Frank said...

Naw, I trust your sister.

Sherri Sanders said...

That's just way too much fun for me! :D

As for the coffee pot, I don't think I'd be drinking any coffe anytime soon.

Jessica said...

I hear you're coming to visit in November -- to hunt, of course. Can this be true? I thought you went to Alaska to hunt.

Teriana said...

Hunting seasons are earlier in AK

Anonymous said...

quote: This one guy introduced me to his ex wife and her sister unquote:

When you said this, I thought it was a joke. I thought you were going to say, "This guy introduced me to his ex wife and her sister and I only saw one woman standing infront of me" tee hee. Its an old joke, I have to write about it one day.

Sorry about the throwing up....esp after drinking, it sucks!!


Teriana said...

tee hee hee